Wednesday 3 August 2011

Shoot 'em up

Chronos told me to. >_>

Thursday 21 July 2011

Viennese Waltz


Well, not really; I already had most of this next story written (which is in itself not a particularly great feat seeing as the prompt was given out back in April), and it just needed a little more polishing before being technically ready for public consumption.

Ladies and gentlemen, culverts.


Is it okay to post pieces that aren't necessarily prompted by the word of the day? 'Cause I'm having no luck with "lifework", but this was lying around in my writing folder and I'm pretty sick of looking at it.

Sunday 17 July 2011


According to the person slowly losing her sanity down below, today's word is lifework.

Why 'TROLOLOLOLOL'? Because hell, our last post was in April.

./cue timely TROLOLOLOLOL

So. Lifework. Noun. Pronounced [lahyf -wurk] (although personally I like the look of [laif] 'cept that people might pronounce it [lai-eef] instead. Oh well. Doesn't lahyf-wurk look like some species of forgotten, extinct dinosaur though? Must've been a helluva creature.

Hokay, calls it "the complete or principal work,  labor, or task of a lifetime".

./stares pointedly at the word 'labor'

Well, that ain't no good. 
./promptly eats the word and expires 


Without warning, the blog comes violently back to life! (CPR + defibrillators, man. Don't do 'em at the same time)




oh god it's so quiet in here

Thursday 28 April 2011

I wonder...

...which one's more painful: hitting your head on a stone culvert, or being hit on the head with a culvert.


Today's word: culvert.

Give me your tired, your poor, your water-channeling devices, ladies and gentlemen, or I will take them from you at gunpoint. Don't fool with me. I want my culverts and I want them now.

The Modem Conspiracy [TMC]

Once again, I bring you a drabble of three words (because I'm just lazy that way because I'm just that awesome).

The word is anomaly because I so conveniently missed out on it yesterday.


I suppose this falls under dialogue only, eh?

Wednesday 27 April 2011

i once watched a star die through a telescope, and i thought i heard the both of them cry out

My first drabble! Get your 200 words' worth of pretentiously confusing interstellar romance right here, people. It's good for your sentimental nodes.


According to Mnemosyne (damn, that name is hard to spell), today's word is anomaly.

Which is interesting. Because the word is anything but an anomaly. It fits perfectly into the pattern of words of the day. A so far nonexistent pattern, but a pattern nonetheless (or is it? It's nonexistent, so you can't really tell. Or can you?).

…Damn, trying to think of something really makes it hard to think. Which, because most things get closer the more you work, is an anomaly. You know, it really is interesting how your brain locks up when you focus on one single thought, as opposed when your mind is given a train and a set of Schrödinger's tracks. A train which at the moment happens to be rolling (or floating, if your preferred made of idea transportation happens to be a mag-lev. Airplanes deviate from the metaphor) further and further away from the original topic of "anomaly", and is continuously deviating from its tracks (which is totally okay. They're wherever I perceive them to be) thanks to distractions continuously battering on its iron body. And it's about to reach its last station (this sentence), and then it's off to the union station of sleep.

...And yes, yes I am a lecher, and a proud one at that.

Tuesday 26 April 2011


Word of the day: lecher. Chronos already posted hers, but I'm so very much slower at writing, hehe.


No, we aren't, actually. I lied.

But here you go.
Word of the Day
I can write a drabble in three words.


And so goes another regular day in our lives.


Wednesday 5 January 2011

No, this isn't a test post

... because we're ninjas. Ninjas don't test, they annihilate. Unless they take a shine to the target, in which case they grab it and carry it back to their nests and sort of brood on it for a few days before realizing that a wheelbarrow, or a teacup, or an exchange student from Limoges or whatever it is that they carried off in the first place just isn't ever going to hatch into another ninja exotic bird. Because ninjas like exotic birds. Er. Nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that they're lonely, no sir. They just like birds.

</end test brooding post because dammit these things will not hatch>